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Teacher Resources 

The Geoscience Pathways project has been supporting teachers on the uptake of EES by developing resources for teachers. Have a look at the list of resources and contact our Geoscience Outreach Officer to gain access to them.

Promotional Materials for Earth and Environmental Science

Our Geoscience Outreach Office has made a series of promotional and informative posters about Careers, what the GPP has to offer and more. 


Have a look at the gallery here


Year 10 Climate Change

These resources were developed to cover the listed below sections of the Year 10 Science Curriculum.

Students learn about the relationships between aspects of the living, physical and chemical world that are applied to systems on a local and global scale and this enables them to predict how changes will affect equilibrium within these systems.

This is broken down into the following 4 subtopics

Topic 1.1

  • Investigating how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions through the reinstatement of traditional fire management regimes

  • modelling a cycle, such as the water, carbon, nitrogen or phosphorus cycle within the biosphere

Topic 1.2

  • Explaining the causes and effects of the greenhouse effect

  • investigating how human activity affects global systems

Topic 1.3

  • Investigating the effect of climate change on sea levels and biodiversity

  • Considering the long-term effects of loss of biodiversity

Topic 1.4

  • Investigating currently occurring changes to permafrost and sea ice and the impacts of these changes

  • Examining the factors that drive the deep ocean currents, their role in regulating global climate, and their effects on marine life

Download the entire folder (450MB from Google Drive) - if you have any problems please email Geoscience Outreach Officer for a copy/support.


Stage 1 Earth and Environmental Science


The full teaching package below is available through the Geoscience Outreach Officer

  • Topic 1 - Air

  • Topic 2 - Earth

  • Topic 3 - Life

  • Topic 4 - Water


Stage 2 Earth and Environmental Science

The resources were developed by Dr Bernd Michaelsen with funding supplied through the Geoscience Pathways Project. They have been developed to line up with the SACE EES unit and are resources that members of the Geoscience Pathways Project can use to help teach the units.



The full teaching package below is available through the Geoscience Outreach Officer


  • Topic 1 - Earth Science

  • Topic 2 - Everything Comes for the Earth

  • Topic 3 - Understanding Earth's Climate


Please note: as the curriculum is subject to changes throughout the years it is your job to ensure that the tasks, content etc are up to date before delivering to students. 

Get in Touch

Need some resources or have some to share? Contact our Geoscience Outreach Officer Kelly Sharrad

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